Millicent Wellington will use a 10mm pistol to kill her husband Edgar Wellington II if shown the love letter.Alphonse Almodovar will carry one during the quest, Trouble on the Homefront.Four in Rivet City's bridge tower armory.Officers Wilkins, Richards, O'Brian, Taylor, and Gomez all carry the 10mm pistol.Amata will carry one into the wastes if the player chooses to drive everyone out of Vault 101, after the quest Trouble on the Homefront.

It can be found in many random safes throughout the wasteland, mostly Easy locked ones.It is found in large quantities throughout the Capital Wasteland, as low and medium level raiders and wastelanders often use the weapon.It belongs to her father, who she stole it from. The pistol is also in perfect condition and will be useful to low-level player characters. This is the first real gun available in-game, as Amata offers one to the Lone Wanderer at the beginning of the quest Escape!, who can then choose to accept it or tell her to keep it.Durability (number of attacks before breaking) Damage per attack (damage per projectile) 10mm steel alloy pistol - Another version of the weapon that was cut from the Operation Anchorage add-on, it differs from the standard 10mm pistol in appearance only, using the same new skin as the sim only version.This weapon is not normally accessible outside of the simulation. It also differs in health, with a whopping 999,150 hit points, essentially preventing the gun from ever degrading. 10mm pistol - A sim-only version of the weapon which has been re-skinned to appear newer and less worn.It deals 100 damage, but Sonora always flees from enemies and never uses her pistol. Sonora Cruz's 10mm pistol - A unique pistol found on Sonora Cruz.Butch's 10mm pistol - A unique pistol used by Butch DeLoria when acting as a companion.Colonel Autumn's 10mm pistol - Carried by Enclave Colonel Augustus Autumn, the colonel's 10mm pistol is nearly twice as powerful as the regular version.Although weaker, it does not give away its user's position when fired while sneaking. Silenced 10mm pistol - A suppressed version of this weapon.The 10mm pistol can fire a total of about 556 rounds, the equivalent of 47 reloads, from full condition before breaking, an amount roughly half of what the Chinese pistol can fire. This weapon can be used to repair the silenced 10mm pistol and Colonel Autumn's 10mm pistol. The pistol uses 10mm ammunition, commonly found in Washington, D.C.